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Resistance Broken!

Free Temclusi News

Recently Barren Silver Intelligence has cracked down on the resistance command structure on the island of Temcluse. With skilled agents in place they managed to seize the High Priest of Temcluse and a member of the Militant Order Council meant to advise and guide the remaining Temclusi forces along with aproximately 600 other militants. In similar raids, FBS soldiers mange to kill 2 other members of the Militant Order Council along with 480 militant dead. Vital caches all around Silvarien-Riveti territory has been seized by Coalition forces.

In other news of the resistance, LMI intergration of Temclusi territory is almost complete and sent a troop surge to further secure their newly gained territory even going a step further and sealing borders with other Coalition members. Also, the forces of Alhurriat Walssalam have also seized 400 kilo of plastic explosives a cache liberated from a nearby military base before the occupation was finalized. In this daring raid by Walssalam forces they killed 4 bomber makers and currently have another in custody.

Further more in light the recent news, that there are rumors spreading from various that a free election will soon take place all over Temcluse excluding LMI occupied territories. There are even rumors that old rebel mining bases are being consolidated within Walssalam territory and being brought up to a safe working standard.

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