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WYNTK: Usniya


Usniya is based on the USSR out of necessity of being the villain in the leader’s Kerbal Space Program save. The nation appeared in NationStates as a means to help realize the nation a bit more. “The Usniyan People’s Socialist Union is a country that very well fits under the moniker of ‘corrupt dictatorship,” says Usniyan leader. The Usniyan People’s Party controls most of the nation, though changes are being made due to the cold war with the Satanic Empire (SE) and Land of Madness and Insanity (LMI). In this cold war, Usniya claims to be “bad guys,” though not the worst around.

Currently, Usniya is in a cold war, or power struggle, rather, with SE and LMI. Problems started occurring due to SE’s genocides and LMI’s dislike of Usniyan power grabs. The country has a few allies, including Flowrisa, another RIA nation. Other allies existed until LMI convinced the nations of the BonLuk Pact to disband.

Two major powers were identified in the BonLuk pact: Lowlands & Saxony (L&S) and Usniya, and the Federation of Allied Nations, directed by LMI. LMI proceeded to urge some nations to change the terms of the pact and promised a new pact that would unite rather than divide. But after the pact was broken, no new pact was written.

However, Usniya is drafting a Global Assembly proposal. “Well, it's a very complicated system, but I have discussed it a bit before. To give an idea of the complexity, it consists of a quintacameral

‘legislature.’ Basically, you have the Global Assembly, a directly elected legislature, the Continental Assembly, which represents the Global Assembly so that things run faster, the Economic and Political Councils, which have single representatives chosen by national governments, and the Security Council, which is weighted towards nations with greater Economic or Military influence.”

Here are some more answers from Usniya.

How do you feel about women’s and civil rights in your country?

Well, civil rights aren't as much of a concern in my country. The UPP worked hard during its early years to ensure equality and an end to racism between ethnicity, but they also try to keep close tabs on people's daily lives. As for Women's Rights, that's not really an area that I ever explored. A few times I've thought about putting female characters in important positions of power, but I haven't done it out of unwillingness to approach the issue. On one hand, i'd like to have the Party truly follow its ideals of equality to completion, but at the same time, I'm not too sure about how realistic it is. Let's just leave it at that the UPP says that it fully supports women's rights.

Ok, now, on a personal level - Why do you like NS?

Oof, that's a tough one! I've always been a big history lover, and I just like that NS gives me the chance to play my way through history in a surprisingly realistic way. It's not Civ 5, the countries are fake but the world feels real. at least when people do it well. And also, I've become kind of obsessed with protecting my country's interests and fighting the "bad guys." Even though I would probably be the bad guy if there weren't worse guys.

How do you play NS? RP, defending/raiding, RMB, Forum, etc.

Definitely RP, all the way. I pretty much exclusively do RMB, but I have done one on the forums and it was great. I'd love to do more. unfortunately, there is a limit to what I can do, so I'm focusing my efforts on the RMB, which is where my enemies are.

If you were to give advice to two different people, one a new player and one a veteran, what would you tell them?

Well, for new players to RP, there are three things I think are important. First, you have to figure out your country's identity. That way your actions will make sense and be more consistent. Second, don't let yourself think you're the biggest guy on the block right off the bat. Do not attack people and expect to just get away with it. However, don't be afraid to be bold. that's how you grow, that's how you carve your own role. For veterans, I think it's important to know the people you're RPing with. being familiar with the environment you're in is critical to achieving your goals.

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