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  • Free County Derbunah (Albert Presscot

Civil Conflict Cut with Renegade Help

Following the recent events on western border of Renegade Islands Region our direct neighbor, Holly Heaklish Empire was a subject to civil war. This event was extension of national unrest caused by shortages in food, especially in the eastern rims. It changed to military resistance starting in duchy of Campony when small military force dispatched by duke Hansel Witburg to secure annual grain transport was attacked by local militia.Count Aed Von Brigan-Aramaleigh, overlord of colonial fiefdom of Derbunah, a small county consisting of one island, admitted his responsibility for the event and declared war on his former sovereign, which was followed by same action by local minor houses all over the empire.

The chaotic conflict sweeping through whole Hekalia lasted three months. While the Royal army was taking serious casualties at the beginning, bad organization and personal rivalry amongst rouge nobility made it possible for the empire to regain control over most of its land simultaneously leaving its infrastructure and industry potential destroyed. Only the original rebel, fiefdom belonging to family Von Bigan-Aramaleigh defended itself from the entry of army and even took second island with the help of Flowrisan expedition forces, proclaiming itself independent as a Free County. Thou the original ruler died just day after from the wounds taken during conflict and majority of the family held hostage by the emperor, the government is still controlled by his house as daughter, Rhiannon, took over taking the title of countess and quickly forcing a law that made previous inheritance law non-binding.

Holly Emperor proclaimed Free County of Derbunah a rogue nation on the basis of illegal succession and connecting it to two minor terrorist attacks on his territory. “The only thing they can bring is troubule” says Clauss Yankowitz, Hekalian minister of foreign affairs “That land is deemed to fall, sooner or later. Usurper countess lack both the authority and skill of her father, being only 28 years old. I expect them to be destroyed from the inside in less than a month, providing other countries will leave it undisturbed”. On the other hand Second Byzantine Empire of Flowrisa recognised the County as independent nation and countess Rhiannon Von Brigan-Armaleigh as its legal ruler. The Derbunahians themselves still wait for reaction of international community in the barren lands destroyed by war, hoping for the best.

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