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Fight Erupts Over New Bill

Alhurriat Walssalam

Members of the People's Congress were today literally up in arms against a controversial amendment that would abolish the monarchy. Titled the Executive amendment 2016 it was written in total secrecy out of fears of causing public outrage. Many jeered and caused a stir as a small group of 5 Congressmen from the liberal Democratic Alliance Party proposed the bill. It was during voting on placing it on the agenda that a large coalition of infuriated Congressmen from several parties led by Hon.Habibullah Saab got up from their seats and proceeded to attack the group. Chaos soon ensued as guards were overpowered by the swarm.

Above: voting on whether to add the proposed bill to the agenda for the day

The usually calm and composed Speaker of the House, Hon.Shafaqat Abdulrashid’s attempts to restore order had failed and fighting did not stop until all those in favour of the bill were thrown out of the Congress building by the mob with some sustaining varying degrees of injuries. The 350 Congresswomen that were present remained seated during the fray. Hon.Yasmeen Bousaid who has become a role model to many of her female colleagues told us “we chose to sit out of respect for the halls of the Congress. Despite our opposition to the bill we do not believe this is the way to work in a democratic society.” She then continued to add “Majority should get their way but minority should have their say.” Shortly after the ejection of ‘the 5’ a motion to postpone indefinitely was tabled and called to vote. It passed with an overwhelming majority. Though no one voted against the motion there were several abstentions from DAP members no doubt in anger at the way their members were thrown out.

Above:the fighting intensified as the mob fought the small group towards the exit

Above: Congresswomen and some Congressmen remain calm, seated and observed the chaotic scenes

Politicians and ordinary citizens from across the country have voiced their support for the mob. The Democratic Alliance Party condemned the Royalist People's Party as “common street thugs.” but distanced themselves from the small group labelling them “rebels” out of fear of losing their support base. Hon.Hafez Al-Ghaffrati the DAP member that proposed the bill stated “we knew it was going to be an uphill battle but never imagined the people we interact with on an almost daily would turn on us like this.” The nationally popular and radical Hon.Habibullah Saab replied via his Chirper account “This was a slap in the face of a King that made it possible for @hon.Ghaffrati to run for office in the first place. He has reformed not just politics but education,women’s rights,healthcare,welfare and security. I am prepared to slap the next fool that brings this issue up again.” Many citizens have camped outside the houses of ‘the 5’ with some going as far as demanding their resignation.

This incident just days after the recent government sentencing of 500 as enemy combatants is sure to draw some criticism from the international community. King Abdullah in an effort to calm down the populace held a press conference on the matter. He read a short prepared speech in Arabic. “Though i can see why many would be angered by this we must not let that take us back. I am happy to have the support of the people and will continue building for the future. I urge our politicians to carry themselves in a professional manner.” when asked if he would he would be willing to step down and have the monarchy abolished he smiled before answering “that is for the people to decide I have returned all the power to them. God willing my Council of Ministers and I will continue the development work and strengthen our nation.”

A Glimpse at His Reign

-Free speech and political freedoms were virtually non existent under past Kings. With security forces clamping down hard against them.

-In 2002 King Rashid Bin Musa Al-Ghazzawi passed away and his son a young energetic Prince Abdullah took over. He immediately began a series of reforms building schools and hospitals in every district. Under him every citizen receives a portion of oil revenue and unemployment rate is 0.5 percent.

-2005 introduced mandatory military service and announced plans to expand its size and rearm creating even more jobs. The army has since then become an internationally recognised force to be reckoned with.

Above:AC-130 performing Close Air Support for liberation forces in the Islamic Republic of Ma'an.

-2010 announced massive public works projects such as the Man made river project to supply water to all citizens in the desert country decreasing dependence on foreign water supplies.

Above: trucks carrying parts for the pipeline of the Great Man Made River.

- Early 2016 Begun encouraging more direct foreign investment and the setting up of economic hub cities for foreign companies to take part in joint ventures with national entrepreneurs. Countless MNCs have taken advantage and have set up shop here. In addition to being a founding member of the Coalition the largest and fastest growing single market for goods in the world. This is the year that he also pushed for an amendment giving more constitutional authority to the people.

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