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Protests Demand PM Narkis Speros to Step Down After Corruption Scandal

After a massive corruption scandal, in which PM Speros was exposed of bribing government officials to gerrymander on the electoral districts, in an attempt to be elected to a third term. The Byzantine People's Party, or BPP, from which Speros was running for PM, has denounced him, saying "This corruption scandal has revealed that Speros is against our ideals, and because of that, we denounce him." Once the scandal started to subside, protests began in all Byzantine Cities demanding that Speros resign, and on top of that, his approval rating slumped down to 3.8%, an all time low. Speros has said that he will probably stay in office until his term is up, or he is impeached by the Imperial Senate. The Emperor has declined to give his say on the matter, when approached. Many in the Imperial Senate have started to lobby for Spero's impeachment, and many are considering a snap election.

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