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  • Tridekia

Southeastern Tridekia Struck with Record Flood Levels

A Tridekian Naval Service helicopter searches for stranded citizens.

ROHNA, March 21, 2017- The Tridekian Disaster Relief Agency was activated late last night to respond to record flood waters in southern Tridekia, mostly within the Zaminon Sphere. Amidst record rainfall, sea levels across Tridekia's southeastern coast have risen exponentially, causing thousands to evacuate their homes and leaving tens of thousands more without running water or electricity. In addition, at least several hundreds are trapped in the attics of their homes and businesses by the flood waters. The TDRA was activated by Premier Clicint after phone calls were placed from Zaminon Sphere Governor Hannah Murray.

Premier Clicint also activated the Tridekian Naval Service this morning to assist the TDRA with search and rescue operations as well as with restoring power to vital areas. In addition, the Naval Corps of Engineers will be constructing a temporary sea wall to prevent the progression of the flood waters, now only twelve miles from the city of Zaminon. Two corvettes and a destroyer have been deployed to the region, as well as their compliments of patrol boats and helicopters.

Speaking from his office at the Executive House this morning, Premier Clicint reassured residents of the Zaminon Sphere. "I'd like you all to know that help is on the way. If you are stranded, we will find you. You will not be left behind." Clicint also confirmed that he has been in contact with both Governor Murray and Zaminon Mayor Oliver Gano. Zaminon has taken in nearly 25,000 refugees, residents from affected coastal communities.

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