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  • Bridgeview

Leaked Transcripts from the House of Bridgeview Replaces Johann

A transcript leaked from the House Of Bridgeview lead to the people protesting for President Johann Bullet to step down from office. The transcript had revealed that President Johann Bullet said, "We stopped the PO? (Assumed to be political opponents). Alright then, next thing on the list... Annex Crovonus."

As this was leaked, it lead to a major outrage. Multiple Bridgeman Icons, Trusted Politicians, Citizens and even foreign leaders had asked the President to step down. After 3 months worth of protest, He finally steps down and put Max Derriet, the second placer in the election (Social Democratic Party). Johann Bullet's most famous proposals were to give freedom to not only us, but to other nations too. This lead to the liberation of countries Mareyikayn, Mili Tactica, Bourgie and Crovonus. When the leaked info. was released, Everyone was Outraged. We hope Social Democrat Max Derriet will be much true to his word.

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