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Tragic Story of "Squad 3A"


(Original artwork)

After a liberation of a city captured by Anti-Socialist Rebels (It's been going on for a while), the Second Army Of Bridgeview released a transcript from four liberation squads. One squad, Squad 3A, was the only squad that fell to the rebel force. Each person is numbered as the army will not release names of squad members. Their story was tragic. The Squad was composed of 6 Soldiers, Two Sergeants, and One squad captain. Here's their tragic transcript: (starts from where they were pinned)


SQ: Squad Leader

SE: Sergeant

S: Soldier

T: Rebel

RGS: Re-Grouping Squad

S-1: Sir, we're surrounded

SQ: Really? Damnit... In this damn alleyway?

S-1: I'm afra- *Grenade explodes*

SQ: What was that?

S-2 with S-4: Sir! Three Casualti-

*More Grenades explode*

SE-1: F*** my ARM!... AHH!

SE-2: Do we not have a damn medic?!

SQ: No! General thought we were good enough to take them

T: F*** you SOCIALIST SCU- *Gunfire*

S-1: He's gone...

SQ: We need to get out... have you called Air Support?

SE-2: Yes sir, ETA 7 minutes.

SQ: Good Voices from 4

T's: Die!

*gunshots, SQ, S-1 and S-2 fall*

S-4: No! SE-1; F***!

SE-2: Oh God No...

S-4: I'm gonna engage...

SE-1: Don't g- AH! (Arm still full of fragmentation)

SE-2: Damnit ****! S-4 Stop!

S-4: Die!

*gunshots, footsteps are getting closer, multiple people*

SE-1: You need to go... leave me.

SE-2: F*** no dumba**... you're going with me.

*T comes in, shoots at SE-1*

*SE-2 shoots the T that comes in*


*gunshots and helicopter rotors are heard outside*

SE-2: Please god let it be them...

RGS-1: S***! We have one! Are you okay?

SE-2: Only one alive sir, fragmentation to the arm...

RGS-1: Get in the helicopter...

*Both go in the heli*

*Heli takes off*

RGS-1: Good? Medic: He's gonna live...

*RPG shot*

Pilot: We're hit! RPG!

*Static as no one else from Squad 3A we're left*

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