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The Dawn of the Military Conglomerate


After the brutal "Nine Nation War" which ultimately ended with Bridgeview uniting into The United Red Empire of Bridgeview, The ARMS' existence was questionable. Now, The ARMS is replaced into a more accurately named alliance. The Military Conglomerate or TMC.

The Meaning

The meaning of the flag is simple. The points of the trident represent the first three members: Bridgeview (Middle Point), Korriban (Left Point), and Simotov (Right Point). The Chinese Tranquility symbol represent Barren Silver, who keeps peace between TMC and CoIN. The circle represents Unity. The green color represents the belief that green gemstones keep balance.

Current Members and their roles (5/9/17)

Bridgeview - TMC Primary, Research Head and Founder

Korriban - TMC Defense Force Primary.

Simotov - TMC Member

Barren Silver* - TMC-CIN Peace-Keeper

*Barren Silver is not a member

Let's see what the world stage has in store for TMC. We pray that this alliance shall promote peace, instead of war.

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